Wholesome Cooking in The Kitchen

I can’t help but drool a little on my keyboard looking at these tasty treats from My Wholesome Kitchen … Delish!

My Wholesome Kitchen 1

lovely lady Rachel Gorney grew her hobby of health food into a successful catering and wellness business. Her snacks are beautifully made with local organic produce that are free of gluten, refined sugar, diary, eggs, preservatives and additives delivered to your door.. score!

It was such a delight to take a look inside My Wholesome Kitchen and catch up with Rach for a cuppa and a chat about what we love most.. organic food! woo hoo!

Q. Rachel you have created a deliciously fresh and accessible organic catering business, amaze! What inspired you to create My Wholesome Kitchen?

Thank you Bondi Organic. My Wholesome Kitchen (MWK) started in quite an unconventional way and to be honest with you, I actually had no clue I was starting a business until it happened. Cooking for me has always been second nature and more importantly it’s made me feel very happy and fulfilled. When the business did actually start I noticed a positive change in my wellbeing so I knew I had to keep going. I guess there was no real inspiration when I did begin this business as it unfolded in front of me, but now it’s inspired me to keep motivated and ultimately live a healthier lifestyle.

My Wholesome Kitchen 2

Q. How would you describe your relationship with food and organic eating?

My relationship with food and how I look at food has evolved so much over the years. When I was young I became very strict about what I ate and deprived myself from a lot of food groups. I was dieting all the time and became very obsessive about what I would put in my mouth. I didn’t look at food for it’s nourishment but rather how it would make me look on the outside.

It has taken me quite some years to reprogram how I think about food and it’s true purpose but now I don’t feel so attached and emotional when I’m eating a really nice and tasty meal. I’m not so strict about my diet and the rules I should stick by, if I feel like some dessert or diary for example then I will eat it and really enjoy it. When it comes to organic I do my best to include organic produce in my meals where I can, but again I’m not so strict about it. If I’m at a café or restaurant that isn’t organic or when I’m at home eating with my family I won’t make a fuss, I will enjoy what’s in front of me.

My Wholesome Kitchen

Q. Your business seems to be expanding more and more every day! Are you planning on launching any new offers or new ventures for your clients?

 I realised early on when I started the business that you always have to keep launching new ideas, products and concepts to allow the business to grow, remain fresh and exciting. We are always updating the shop with seasonal products, special holiday hampers and MWK merchandise. Last week however we did launch something very special that has been in the making for quite some months, The Wholesome Subscription Box. This new concept makes for an easy and simple way to purchase our products without needing to reorder your snack box every month. You simply order your subscription and your snack box is delivered to your door fortnightly or monthly.

We do have another fantastic new product coming to the store later on in the year, I won’t give too much more away but it will allow you to bring our brand and recipes into your own kitchen.


Q. What is your favourite meal to cook for friends or family at home?

Sunday Brunch at home is always a highlight of my week. I will prepare some very simple dishes and spend quality time with my family. Some items that are always repeated on the menu are bircher muesli, shakshuka eggs (baked eggs), homemade dips, quinoa tabouli, sautéed mushrooms and poached eggs. I hope I haven’t tempted you too much.

My Wholesome Kitchen 4

Q. If there is one piece of nutritional advice you can give our readers to improve their life the most, what would it be and why?

I’m not sure if I’d call this nutritional advice, but the most important thing I could pass on is “do what makes you happy” and the rest will fall in line. I found that following my passion has made me feel much more content, happy and at peace with all areas of my life.

Find My Wholesome Kitchen:

It’s Cool be Amber Le Strange

Everything about Amber Le Strange screams cool, calm and organic. You may have seen her golden curls bouncing around Sydney social pages over the past few years, or her bright smile may look familiar from a bevy of TV commercials and magazines. Amber is a triple threat of model, actress and wellness icon. Leaving the sandy shores of Bondi Beach for the bright and tasty streets of Venice Beach, I was thrilled to have a chat with Amber about her journey to California and her relationship with food and the universe.

Amber Le Strange

Q. How does living in California help you achieve your health and wellness goals?

One of the things I LOVE about living in California is how supportive this city is of health/wellness and spiritual development. There seems to be a yoga centre and healthy meal option on every corner! With so many facilities available to look inward and choose the healthier option, it seems almost an effort to make the more unhealthy choice!

The fact that I am part of the Cafe Gratitude community is also a great way to keep in line with my health and wellness goals. This restaurant seems to be a meeting point of people who are interested in being the best they can emotional, mentally and physically. There are many cleanses, workshops, musical nights, charity events and community gatherings that people can be apart of. I also live in Venice which i find a sweet village culture that supports being outside, on your bike, on the beach and involved in the happenings of the neighbourhood.

Q. What do you miss most about Australia?

The ocean is definitely what i miss most about Australia! Our coast really is something special. I have been all round the world and in my opinion, Australia has the freshest, best quality oceans around. I make an effort to swim daily when i am in Sydney, no matter what the weather is doing!! I have a whole new appreciation of the ocean and its healing qualities since i have moved away from Bondi Beach!

Bondi Icebergs Yoga

Q. If you could recommend one thing for people to change in their diet or lifestyle what would it be and why?

One thing i would recommend people focus on in their diet is… the quality and quantity of water consumption! I am currently fascinated with the concept the hydration and it being so essential to our base health and quality of overall functioning. Look into the idea charged water at hydrablue.com .

Another dietary idea that I am committed to is the importance of protein! The building blocks of our health… But before we can breakdown protein properly we have to have healthy guts! Producing enough bile and stomach acid to breakdown the proteins is imperative. Otherwise you end up being bloated and blocked up which further adds to the toxicity factor we are all trying to manage! I am currently working on an online wellness cooking show that deals with such topics as healthy digestion and what easy meal we can prepare to support correcting digestive issues ourselves.

Q. What is your food philosophy?

My food philosophy is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY and have ORGANIC fresh produce whenever possible (support local farms and businesses). We all have unique constitutions and some peoples path to optimum health may be quite different to their neighbours! I believe if a person is finely tuned into their instinct and knows their body well then they can navigate their way into a program that works from them. I find a practice of meditation/yoga/looking inward essential for keeping your inner voice clear.

Amber Le Strange Organic

One universal belief i do have is that limiting sugar in our diets greatly supports a more balanced and thriving immune system and overall health. Sugar seems to have sneaked its way into almost everything these days and it does more damage to our systems than people realize. I try use stevia where i can (lowest GI possible) as my sweetener and be careful not to over do it on the fruit or carbohydrates (which breakdown into sugar in your body).

Q. How important is eating local and organic to you?

Eating organic and locally are two of my major rules! I think it is our responsibility to make choices that support the rejuvenation of our planet and in turn our health as a whole. If each one of us made the effort to support local farmers, grow some of your own produce, compost and only eat organic, as a collective we could help shift the current devastating state of the planet.In my opinion, It is essential to shape ones lifestyle choices around environmentally friendly and sustainable concepts if we wish to have clean air, water and soil for the future generations!

The quality (taste and nutritional value) of our food depends greatly on the quality of the SOIL. If a larger, non organic organisation is farming TRUCK LOADS of a particular vegetable or fruit, most likely they are looking at quantity rather than quality which leads to quick fixes such as using toxic pesticides to make the managing the produce easier. This toxicity doubled with the lack of nutrients in the soil directly effects the food grown in these conditions, which directly effects the health of the person consuming the produce!

Amber Le Strange Venice

To keep up to date with Amber’s adventures or If you are interested in knowing how to makes your own compost to grow your own herbs or veggies, check out Amber’s blog lestrangeland.tumblr.com


Feeling Grateful at Cafe Gratitude

Yo yo!

If Coachella wasn’t already a life-highlight, I was possibly even more excited to spend a few days in Venice Beach to immerse myself in all my organic dreams. For years now I have been itching to go to Cafe Gratitude , I had read so many awesome reviews on blogs and had my daily instagram feed nourished by rad pics of the cafe menu. Reason number 2 for wanting to spend time in Venice was that so many great I people I admire call the beach home, and I was frothing to get amongst it all for a few days.

Venice Beach

Abbott Kinney Blvd is by far my fave! So many amazing boho shops, great restaurants and a laid back vibe. I forgot how rugged the beach board walk was with dozens of homeless-hipsters busking and sharing their latest conspiracy theories. Yet only a few blocks back is this wholesome wonderland of vegetable juice and loose cotton clothing.

Abbott Kinney Blvd

After a long drive back from Palm Springs, we decided now was the time to pop into Cafe Gratitude for an afternoon tea. It was even nicer than I had imagined with a beautiful neutral toned streamlined fit-out complimented by whitewashed tables and chairs. The menu dazzled me with raw vegan treats, and my mint tea was uber refreshing after a day on the hectic LA freeways.

Cafe Gratitude

Cafe Gratitude Tea

Things were about to be taken to an even higher level of excitement as I spotted my musical hero sitting beside us enjoying the afternoon sun.. It was Brandon Boyd the lead singer of Incubus and his gorgeous girlfriend Baelyn Neff. Yep, all my dreams had collided over a mint tea. Epic.

Brandon Boyd

So all I can say is, I was definitely feeling grateful at Cafe Gratitude.

Spending time in Venice Beach reinforced how happy I am on my organic journey. I was reminded that the universe works in amazing ways, and I am lucky to be exploring my health and the world each day.

Thanks for the memories!

Teena x


Sesame Oil: Get the JLo Glow

I love moisturising my skin, and given the chance I would bathe in the stuff like a baby walrus splashing around out at sea. The issue I’ve been having is that after a few hours in the summer sun or winter chill, my skin would become dry again and needing further treatment. I would often stop and think wow my skin must be so thirsty and high class drink up all this expensive moisturiser! But wait a minute, where is it all going?

baby walrus

After a while the empty bottles in my recycling bin were stacking up. Could this really be healthy putting litres of chemicals all over my body? I stared to question my beauty routine and budget, and after reading a very inspiring post from a Gerson Cancer survivor who said “I don’t put anything on my body that I wouldn’t eat” it then hit me, how could I preach about only eating organics and living a healthy life when I was subliminally consuming masses of processed manufactured chemicals every day in my moisturisers. No more!

After doing my research I settled for the Queen of all oils, Sesame. Organic cold presses Sesame oil from your local organic store is around $9.95 a bottle, you can cover your entire body every day and a bottle will last you a month. Cha-ching savings! I use sesame oil as an all over face and body moisturiser, first thing in the morning and then night time after a shower.

Sesame seeds and oil

Within 2 weeks of using sesame oil on my body, a chronic skin condition which a doctor once told me was “erect hair follicles” (random I know) on my arms was gone. The raised red rashes on my upper arms that I have had since I was a kid was now smooth and no longer apparent, my summer tan was lasting  longer and my skin tone was more even. I could apply sesame oil in the morning and still have hydrated looking skin 12 hours later. I was not only saving hundreds of dollars I was feeding my skin a tasty chemical-free treat and the results were superb. In my mind it looked something like this..

Jennifer Lopez

It’s not just the physical benefits of sesame oil that has me hooked but also the internal wonders it is doing for my body. As one of the oldest cultivated seeds, sesame also helps combat diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, gum disease and has some great anti-bacterial properties that really help with skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, fungus and rashes.

If you stop and think, would you eat the  moisturiser you are currently using on your skin? You would probably vomit. So maybe it’s time to look for a cleaner, natural and cheaper alternative to processed package moisturisers like sesame oil.

Get some!

#Fitspiration: Matilda Finnegan

Hello crunchy kids!

Can you believe that February is well on it’s way, how did that happen?! Like many others I started the year with a motivational bang, getting majorly stuck into my new years resolutions as soon as the clock struck 12. Somewhere between number 1 “Caring less about what other people think about me”, and number 3 “Drink a green smoothie every day” I have lost sight of resolution number 2 “Get fit”. I am definitely in need of some old fashioned #fitspiration and what better way to help me get into shape than to speak to a Lorna Jane ambassador, Miss World semi-finalist and international model Matilda Finnegan. With one of the most amaze bodies I’ve ever seen, Matilda shared with me her secrets to body success.

Matilda Finnegan

Matilda your body is absolutely amazing! Do you feel diet or exercise is more important in staying healthy?

Thank you, I work my butt off to try look good. I aim to eat as healthy as I possibly can, but being in the model industry it is very easy to get sucked into the unhealthy ways to try and be a unrealistic size. So every now and then, I indulge in chocolate goodness! It’s all about balance and enjoying life 🙂

How do you keep motivated to stay in such great shape?

Instagram – as silly as it sounds. It’s true. #Fitspiration is the ultimate way to get you moving and be inspired by some amazing people who have changed their ways and now motivate the world!

Lorna Jane

Do you have a favourite power smoothie or treat to keep you going on a long day or shoot?

I’ll be honest, I try not to drink too much water before a shoot – with my body, it bloats me. However, the night before I drink lots of water and eat blueberries and 1 slice of cheese with honey 🙂 it helps my skin and makes me feel fresh the next morning. If I am just hanging around the house, I usually just go my basic: spinach, kale, green apples, chia seeds, honey, a teaspoon of vital greens & lastly whatever I have left over in the fridge I think may work!

Matilda Finnegan Lorna Jane

Your also a beach girl! What is your relationship like with the ocean?

I have pretty much lived on the Northern Beaches of Sydney all my life. Learning to swim by volunteers at my local rock pool, I graduated and joined a surf club with my family. Enjoying Saturday Rock look swims & Sunday nippers, I developed a strong connection to water. The surf just relaxes me, whether it be a quick dip or a surf with my gfs – I have to love near the beach. Otherwise I go a little stir crazy!

What does eating clean and organic mean to you?

Whatever swims, walks or grows you can eat it. As unappetising as that sounds – the best things for your body are red meat, chicken, vegetables & fish. Clean eating help any body moving, breathing easy and staying healthy! It’s such a vital process of good health, now more than ever with the greater volume of pollution and our busy lifestyles! It’s so easy to jump in your car and go to the drive through at Maccas. Clean eating is all about preparation and treating your body like the temple it is!

I personally have cheat meals every now and then, but being a model, my body is my work so I have to take good care of it!

Matilda Finnegan Instagram

Should I be counting my calories?

I am a complete sucker for a quality before and after weight loss shot.

Vicky Paterson

There’s something about the dramatic change and ability to transform that makes me inspired, impressed and concerned at the same time. Concerned because it makes me look at myself and think, geese why aren’t I undergoing a personal extreme makeover and should I be happy with the way I look?

I would like to think I have become bulletproof to image insecurities but I am only human and from Bondi, so it would be rude to not care what everyone else thought about me right! I recently I had my final wedding dress fitting where the dress maker bluntly barked at me “Lady how much weight you loose before wedding?” THANKS. There is a lot of bridal weight loss hysteria, and with 6 months till the big day I am feeling what 99% of females feel, should I be trying to loose weight and what’s the right way to go about it?

For the past year I have been prescribed to the Whole Foods Plant Based Diet, eating anything organic, fresh and locally grown from the ground and not out of a packet. My focus has been on food for wellness not weight loss. My health and well-being have never been better.

Falafel Salad

1 year later and with low blood pressure, low cholesterol, low stress and high on life I am totes winning! So my approach to the pending wedding and my dress maker who is trying to give me an eating disorder, is to continue on the path of food for healing yet be more aware of how much I am eating and exercising to maintain BALANCE rather than try to start depriving myself of nutrients for a quick weight loss fix.

This week I am test driving the My Diet Diary & Calorie Counter App. Instead of looking to eliminate all food and fun in my life, I like the idea of monitoring my daily intake and exercise trying to stay under my prescribed 1984 Calories per day to reach my goals, while allowing myself to keep it real along the way.

My Diet Diary App


It’s super easy to use, just plug in your meals and it tells you the calorie content and nutritional guide, cool hey!

We all want to look our best and feel confident in our bodies, bikini’s, full piece or wedding dress. Whatever your goals may be, it’s important to remember food is to be enjoyed and to nourish our cells, it has been created to heal our body and to keep us connected with the gifts that mother earth has to give.

Stay smiling kids!

Teena x



Going Organic with Osher Gunsberg

Hello hello!

I recently ran into a familiar face in the Junction between the coconuts and fresh food aisle of About Life, the artist formerly knows as Andrew G, Osher Gunsberg! It has been great to see Osher shining bright back on Australian TV as the host of The Bachelor Australia, a show which my girlfriends and I absolutely LOVED (I am still feeling the pain of Ali’s defeat!). Osher is a committed vegan and Bondi local living between Sydney and LA, TV presenter, radio DJ and all round organic-hipster. I first met Osher 10 years ago as a work experience kid at Channel [V] and it was such a treat to run into him all these years later and have the opportunity to learn more about his rad vegan lifestyle. As Osher rode away on his bicycle with a bunch of kale strapped to the back seat, he was not only an Australian celeb in my eyes, but also a total organic rockstar.

Osher Gunsberg

Osher you have always been such a vegan inspiration to me! How has a diet become a way of life to you?

After a life of eating meat, meat and more meat, I found myself unemployed at nineteen and unable to afford meat all the time – so I began eating just one meat meal a week. I noticed the change in my body and my mindset pretty quickly. At twenty-one, I moved in with my first girlfriend who was lactose intolerant – so I stopped eating dairy. It was slow steps, months or years apart. Chicken was the first to go, then red meat, a few years later fish and finally eggs when I was 28.

Nova 969

You spend your time between Venice Beach in California and Australia. How does living in LA help you achieve your healthy lifestyle goals?

Well in Venice especially you’re so spoiled for choice when it comes to plant-based eating. It’s possible to order a vegetarian/vegan version of most dishes at most restaurants, and the grocery shopping is astonishing. It gets even more concentrated out in Venice where I live. I’m one-hundred steps to my nearest smoothie joint. They sell vegan cookies on the counter at the Liquor store around the corner from my house

Osher Gunsberg

If you could take someone on a tour of Venice Beach for a day, where would you go and what tasty treats would you eat?

I’d say ride a bike down to Cafe Gratitude and get the “I am whole” bowl (with a side of coconut bacon) and then pop across to Moon Juice for the best smoothie on the face of the earth. It will cost you US$18 for that smoothie, but you won’t soon forget it.

Amazing work on the new series of The Bachelor, absolutely loved it! How do you stay energised on long days of shooting and on the go?

When I landed the gig, on the first day I was back in Australia I bought a Vitamix. Then up to Health Emporium for supplies and mason jars. I’d blend up some Kale Shakes packed with all kinds of goodness, and just take them to set with me. It’s a lighter more refreshing way of getting my calories when sitting around a set full of unhealthy snacks. I’d also just consume large amounts of fruit as we went past midnight on the Rose Ceremony shoots. That’s the key really. That and lots of tea.

The Bachelor

If you could recommend one food or lifestyle tip that would have the most impact on someones life, what would it be and why?

Cook everything that you eat. Even if you’re eating meat, if you cook everything you eat, you’re immediately reducing the amount of processed foods you’re putting inside you, and you’re fostering the connection between preparing good food and feeling good. If you want to take it a step further, you can start to sub out the proteins with plant-based proteins now and then. It’s way easier if you’re already in the habit of cooking for yourself to go plant based, as you’re already familiar with your kitchen, your favourite recipes and the amounts you’ll need for each dish.

You can follow Osher on Instagram @osher_gunsberg or check out his work at http://oshergunsberg.com/

Love Teena

Petite Organic Paris

We came, we ate, we conquered!

I have spent the past few months at home researching all the potential organic hot spots in Paris. I printed my google maps, wrote down all the directions and starred at the metro line trying to coordinate my path to Parisian wellness. However soon after arriving in France I realised half the fun of travelling is not only nourishing yourself, but also being immersed in the local culture of a destination.

French Baguette

I have learned a valuable lesson in Paris, the importance of moderation. Taking a break from diets, indulging in some carbs every now and eating that extra piece of cheese on your baguette can be just as important as being super disciplined and food conscious all the time.

Sometimes being dedicated to your health can also lead you to being Captain of the fun-police. It was such a delight to relax this week and enjoy the culinary playground of the Parisian streets. There is an abundance of fresh produce and cooking in the air. On Saturday and Sunday you will be amazed by the fresh food markets on many street corners such as the Aligre market (12th arrondissement), Bastille market (11th arrondissement) and if you have the time pick up some snacks for your busy day of sightseeing drop into the all-organic food market over at the Marché Raspail (6th arrondissement) on every Sunday morning.


One of my favourite days was spent sipping on a fresh mint tea at the incredibly lush and extravagant Hotel Le Meurice (the preferred hotel of celebrities such as Jay Z and Beyonce), at 16 Euro’s a pot it was the best herbal tea of my life!

Hotel Le Meurice

And if the thought of another croissant is a little too much to bear and your after some affordable healthy food, we found this super handy and delicious bio-organic food store called EXKI. With locations all over Paris that offer a wide variety of organic soups, salads, sandwiches and desserts to suit any fussy and busy traveller.

EXKI Paris

And last but not least, if your just hanging for some vegetarian love, head the to Le Marais district. We stumbled across this amazing Indian/French fusion restaurant TANDO at 22 Rue Rambuteau and enjoyed vegetable crepes with side salads for under 10 Euro. You can also check out Potager du Marais an organic vegetarian restaurant door if you fancy a more formal evening.

It’s been an amazing few days in Patis and if I was Julia Roberts starring in Eat Pray Love, Paris was definitely a whole lot of eating, and so much loving.

Au revior for now!


Happy in Ireland

Hello hello from fresh Ireland!

Yes it is a long way from Bondi, but the organic adventures continue as I search for all things wholesome and green whilst experiencing my first winter and Christmas abroad. I’m sure we all feel like we have eaten our weight in carbs over the silly season, and being whisked away from 36 degree Sydney to 3 degree Ireland was an added shock to the system.

After a long plane journey, days of Christmas celebrations and a potential addiction to a little thing called Irish Soda Bread I was absolutely hanging for a taste of wellness. Before I left Sydney I had googled a bit on any cool organic places around Dublin and stumbled across a complete gem which I was lucky enough to be taken on a tour of today called The Happy Pear in the town of Greystones in County Wicklow.

The Happy Pear

It was such a crazy feeling being on the other side of the world and finding people passionate about the same great cause, fresh, local, organic accessible produce for a local community. And that is exactly what’s on offer at The Happy Pear. Stephen and David Flynn are the owners and brothers behind the pear. They greeted me with beaming smiles, Irish accents and a warm steamy bowl of fresh porridge with homemade granola and fruit compote for breakfast. What a great combination.

The Happy Pear

I had a fab time on a guided tour of the grounds learning more about the organic scene in Ireland. The boys have their own farm where food is grown locally and people travel near and far for groceries and meals. It’s exciting to hear how things have changed in their local community, Stephen mentioned that years ago people said they were crazy hippies and today it might even be “almost cool in Ireland” to eat organic. Nice one.

The Happy Pear has a large selection of fresh produce, seeds, grains, treats and all your staple cooking essentials. I absolutely loved the cafe and especially enjoyed sitting by the fireplace upstairs sipping on a warm peppermint tea.

The Happy Pear

The Happy Pear is an easy day trip to Greystone on the DART from Dublin, and I look forward to visiting again.

And you can visit them here at www.thehappypear.ie

Organic Greens & Gold Medals

Stephanie Rice, an Australian legend in and out of the pool. A 3 time Olympic gold medalist swimmer, this years winner of The Celebrity Apprentice and the only person I know who owns a gold medal not made out of chocolate. This is one girl who I truly admire, she has managed to smash world records at the Beijing Olympics, and also have the cacao-balls to tell Roxy Jacenko who’s the boss, and that makes her a winner in my books.

Stephanie Rice

I was so delighted the other day to spot Steph ordering a fresh juice at The Earth Food Store on Gould St in Bondi. It’s always such a treat to see local celebs supporting the organic community. I have had the absolute pleasure of talking to Stephanie about her lifestyle and thoughts on Bondi, Bikini’s and broccoli.

Stephanie how important is eating local and organic to you?

I love eating Organic Produce, it’s always so much tastier and crunchier not to mention the health benefits. I love to get down to the organic farmers markets on the weekend to stock up, organic food can be a little pricier…but so worth it.

I loved watching you on The Celebrity Apprentice and you handled yourself and the stress so well! Any lifestyle tips of tackling stressful situations?

Thank you 🙂 The show was definitely quite stressful, sometimes we started at 3.30am. I am very used to handling stress and nerves, but I find what works best for me is having a positive attitude… We often find ourselves creating a snowball of negative thoughts, so by changing your thoughts you body will follow (it doesn’t know any differently). You can change your thought process extremely quickly by focussing on what you have done rather than what you wanted to do. I also need to schedule a few hours a week for myself where I turn my phone off and just watch TV or read a magazine.

Celebrity Apprentice

What would your one fitness tip be for being bikini ready for summer?

Im currently loving Yoga because I find it a great balance between meditation, stretching and toning. I like warm yoga so I sweat and get my heart rate up a bit… but I think its important to find what works for you because everyones different.

Stephanie Rice

What is your favourite healthy treat?

I love Raw Cacao Chocolate… Ive been making my own lately which has been a lot of fun.

If you could cook one healthy meal for anyone in the world, who would it be and what would you make?

I would love to meet Serena Williams, she’s been my inspiration for awhile now. My specialty is Salads and Sweet Potato Fries… I know salads sound boring but you haven’t tried mine yet, Ive even got my 11yr old brother liking them and he only likes junk food 😉

Stephanie Rice

Keep up to date with Stephanie Rice’s journey on her website http://www.stephanierice.com.au/